Using EuroThreads to Accentuate Your Smile

Your cosmetic dentist in Florham Park doesn’t just offer strictly dental solutions. Using cosmetic options like EuroThreads and Botox, Dr. Raj Upadya of Metropolitan Center for Complete Dentistry can help accentuate your smile and entire face. Read more to figure out how EuroThreads can help you put your best smile forward.Using EuroThreads to Accentuate Your Smile

What are EuroThreads?

EuroThreads are an FDA-approved type of suture. These sutures are able to be broken down and absorbed by the body. These are used to have an effect similar to a facelift while being significantly less invasive. They can lift the skin, create more volume in the skin, and improve the texture and overall appearance of your face.

Why Should I Get a EuroThread Lift?

Dr. Upadya isn’t just experienced in dentistry. He also has extensive training in the esthetics of the full face. He employs the use of EuroThreads both to complete a smile makeover or to accentuate areas on your face. If you want to reverse the signs of aging or meet your cosmetic goals, EuroThreads can provide that.

One of the best things about EuroThreads is that they’re minimally invasive. Unlike other techniques, this only takes one short treatment session in our office. It’s a non-surgical way to meet your facial cosmetic goals. Two things it can focus on are bags under your eyes and to treat acne and visible scars that are on your face.

It can also take care of the following:

  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Folds in and around your eyes, nose, and lips
  • Sagging skin or brows
  • Lines between the eyes
  • Accentuate your lips and smile

EuroThreads are designed to last from six to eight months, but you typically see a year of results in your face. With a personalized treatment plan made by Dr. Upadya, you’ll see the optimal results possible.

What is the EuroThread Process?

Dr. Upadya will first hold a consultation with you to determine if EuroThreads are right for you. He’ll discuss your cosmetic goals with you and see if EuroThreads will be the treatment to complete those goals. He’ll analyze the condition of your skin and talk to you about any past treatments or medical conditions.

If he determines that you’re an ideal candidate for this procedure, he can complete the treatment easily in his cosmetic dentist office in Florham Park. While local anesthetic is usually used, we also offer sedation options if you suffer from anxiety.

There are many types of threads, all of which have different purposes. A very thin needle with the correct type of thread for the area and the desired effect is inserted under the skin. The needle is moved around under the surface of the skin to ensure that the suture is in the right place. Then, the needle is removed while the thread stays.

There’s virtually no downtime after the procedure. You should only have minor redness and swelling at the site of the thread insertion.

EuroThreads at Your Cosmetic Dentist in Florham Park

Accentuate your smile makeover with a EuroThread lift. Call us today or schedule an appointment online!