Root Canal An Overview
Endodontics treatment is one of the most common dentistry procedures offered at Metropolitan Center for Complete Dentistry. The term root canal actually refers to the interior of a tooth where the dental pulp (a soft tissue) and nerves are located.
Root canal therapy is one of the general dentistry services we provide to East Hanover, NJ. Typically performed by a dentist or endodontist, root canal therapy is needed when a tooth is significantly damaged or has decay that extends into the pulp chamber. General dentist, Dr. Raj Upadya, offers root canals from the comfort of his Summit, NJ area dentist office.

It is beneficial for any patient to keep their natural tooth for as long as possible, even a diseased tooth. To save the tooth, a root canal treatment is the conservative alternative to tooth extraction. It can effectively remove tooth decay without compromising the integrity of the jaw or bite.
Failing to have your tooth treated will result in complex dental problems eventually, even resulting in extraction. Once a tooth is missing, you will need to replace it with expensive dental restorations such dental implants.
Endodontics therapy has a high success rate and is not a procedure that should be feared. Due to advancements in dentistry, the root canal process has become less painful and intrusive. Root canals can often be completed in one or two visits to our dental office.
Are Root Canals Painful?
Root canal therapy has a bad reputation for being extremely painful. The pain felt is actually pain caused by the infection, not from the procedure. Most patients report feeling relieved once the infected tissue is removed and the tooth canal is cleaned and sealed.
Realistically, the treatment is no more uncomfortable than a dental filling. Dr. Upadya uses a The Wand, a computer-assisted system for local anesthesia. This will ensure that the tooth being treated is numb and the patient feels less pain.
Root Canal What to Expect
A root canal treatment typically requires a few visits to our Summit, NJ dentist office. Our team works with our patients to ensure their optimal comfort during treatment. We believe that patient education can help relax patients and allow them to feel more confident in their oral health decisions.
Dr. Upadya will discuss the procedure step by step with you and explain what to expect after the treatment.
The first step is to take x-rays to evaluate the tooth root to see if there are signs of inflammation or infection. To begin the procedure, Dr. Upadya will use a computerized anesthetic called The Wand to deliver a precise and controlled dose of anesthetic for pain-free root canal treatment.
Once numbed, a small hole will be drilled into the tooth to access the infected tissue. He will use special dental instruments to remove the infected pulp, damaged nerve tissue, and bacteria. When the infected pulp is removed, it will relieve any pressure caused by the infected tooth. He will then thoroughly clean and polish the root canal.
If there is an infection, antibiotics may be prescribed and a temporary filling will be used to seal the root canal until the infection has healed. Your tooth and the surrounding area may be sensitive for a few days.
Once the infection is healed, Dr. Upadya will fill the root canal with a biocompatible rubber material called gutta percha. To strengthen a tooth after it’s been filled and sealed, he will often recommend the placement of a dental filling or dental crown to help support the structure of your tooth.
Custom fit and color matched to your natural teeth, a dental crown fits around the tooth like a cap and will support the long term health of your tooth. With a proper oral hygiene routine and regular visits to your general dentist, the restored tooth can last a lifetime.
Schedule a Dental Exam and Consultation
To learn more about root canal treatment, contact our Summit, NJ and East Hanover, NJ area dentist office for a consultation with Dr. Raj Upadya. Call us at 973-241-5169 or schedule an appointment online today.