Dr. Raj Upadya of the Metropolitan Center for Complete Dentistry in East Hanover, New Jersey, specializes in the treatment of complex dental problems, including temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD). Most patients refer to temporomandibular joint pain and related issues as TMJ.
Diagnosing TMD requires careful examination and training. We provide a variety of TMJ treatments for TMJ disorders, which range from the use of a simple mouthguard to bite correction procedures.
Treatment for Jaw Popping in East Hanover, NJ
There are several treatment options to fix a popping or clicking jaw. Simple treatment may include TMJ exercises with stretching out the muscles and tendons. Eating soft foods and cutting foods into smaller pieces to decrease the amount of chewing is another conservative treatment for TMJ pain.
The first step is a thorough and comprehensive evaluation of all aspects of your occlusal system. This includes the teeth, gums, and jaw joints. Pinpointing the underlying cause of your jaw popping and bite dysfunction is the key to treatment that will go beyond the symptoms and improve your overall oral health for the long term.
Oral Appliance Therapy
Dr. Upadya commonly uses oral appliance therapy to treat jaw popping and TMJ pain. Here, your dentist creates a custom mouthguard or splint from impressions of your mouth and teeth. This removable oral appliance places teeth in their proper position.
Usually, the patient wears a mouthguard or splint while they sleep. This also prevents teeth grinding and jaw clenching, which can lead to tooth wear and contribute to tooth decay and gum disease.
Bite Correction Procedure
In some cases, bite correction procedures may be necessary to reposition teeth to make proper contact with one another. Also known as occlusal equilibration, bite correction brings the teeth into proper contact with restorative dental treatments.
This allows the jaw to open and close properly and eliminates stress on the jaw joints (TMJ). This could include the use of dental implants, dental crowns, or braces. Learn more about TMJ Therapy here.
Why Does My Jaw Pop?
Jaw popping is a common sign of TMJ disorder. However, it should be noted that jaw popping does not indicate TMJ dysfunction. There can be other reasons for jaw popping, so be sure to seek a thorough diagnosis from a trained dentist in TMJ disorders before proceeding with treatment.
Multiple things can cause jaw popping, including:
- Stress – emotional or physical, including overuse of the jaw joints
- Improper alignment of the jaw joints or teeth
- Trauma to the face or jaw
- Teeth grinding or jaw clenching
- Bad habits such as chewing on fingernails, biting lip or cheek, or chewing too much gum
Jaw Popping FAQs
Learn more about jaw popping and how we treat this problem in East Hanover, NJ, with answers to these common questions:
Should I be worried if my jaw pops and clicks?
Many people experience jaw popping that does not cause them pain or discomfort. However, if your jaw pops or clicks often and causes discomfort or issues speaking or chewing, getting an evaluation from your dentist is a good idea.
How can I fix my lock jaw fast?
If your jaw feels stuck or hard to move, you may have lockjaw. To get some quick relief, try gently massaging your jaw to help loosen the muscles. Move your fingers in small circles along your jawline and near your temples to relax the area.
You can also use a hot or cold pack on the side of your face to help with pain and swelling. A warm compress can relax tight muscles, while an ice pack can numb the area and reduce inflammation.
While these tips may help for a short time, lockjaw is often a sign of a bigger issue with your jaw joint. If the problem continues or gets worse, see us as soon as possible.
What causes a clicking jaw?
The overuse of jaw muscles typically causes jaw clicking. It may be onset by a patient grinding or clenching their teeth. Arthritis may also cause teeth grinding and jaw clicking.
How long does it take for jaw-popping to go away?
We recommend that patients wait at least a week before scheduling an appointment regarding jaw popping. Jaw popping is not uncommon and typically resolves itself after a week or two.
How do you know if your jaw is out of alignment?
There are multiple signs that your jaw may be out of alignment. The first signs are difficulty speaking, chewing, and biting. You may also experience tender pain and teeth grinding if your jaw is out of place.
Is jaw-popping normal?
Jaw popping isn’t always a problem, but it can be a sign of an issue with your jaw joint. Sometimes, your jaw might pop when you open or close your mouth, especially if you chew a lot of gum or open wide when eating or yawning. If there’s no pain, it’s usually not a big deal.
However, if your jaw pops often, feels stuck, or hurts when you chew or talk, you might have a TMJ disorder. This can happen from stress, teeth grinding, or an uneven bite. If the popping is painful or won’t go away, it’s a good idea to see a dentist to check your jaw and find a solution.
Why do I have ear pain and jaw popping?
Ear pain and jaw popping can happen because your jaw joint (TMJ) is close to your ear. If your TMJ isn’t working right, it can cause pain that feels like it’s in your ear. See our dentist if your ear pain and jaw popping don’t go away or get worse. Dr. Upadya can check your jaw and help find a way to relieve your pain.
Schedule a Dental Exam and Jaw Popping Consultation
If you have TMJ pain or notice your jaw popping, contact the Metropolitan Center for Complete Dentistry to schedule a consultation with Dr. Raj Upadya. Our office is conveniently located in East Hanover, New Jersey.
We gladly welcome new patients and out-of-town patients. Call us at (973) 287-3153 or request an appointment online.